For Unparalleled Insight Into the College Admissions Process


In-depth guidance from one of the nation’s leading authorities on college admissions

The choice of a college is the most important decision many young people will make, yet families often don’t have the information they need to ensure they’re making sound choices at this critical time. Admissions changes constantly, and it is often difficult for counselors to stay current.

That’s why we’re here.

The Kennedy Consulting Group is dedicated to clarifying the college admissions process and helping families, high schools, and colleges make the most of it. Founder Michael Kennedy has spent more than 40 years in the field, much of it directing college counseling for top-tier preparatory schools.

Since 1994, Kennedy has provided private consulting to families, high schools, and colleges across the country on what each is looking for in the admissions process. He guides families step by step, helping them find the best match and positioning them for successful admission. He speaks to parent groups around the country, helps high schools strengthen their college counseling programs, and helps colleges conduct successful outreach to families. He has taught college counseling at the graduate level and has hosted national seminars for college counselors.


Students & Families

The most personalized access to Mike Kennedy's wealth of experience is through individual consulting. During private meetings, we will discuss your student’s academic profile and career goals; your geographic preferences and financial considerations; as well as the less tangible but no less important aspects of the campus environment that will make your college experience the best it can be.


For High Schools

Families are looking for tangible results from their high schools. Among the most tangible is the college placement profile. A profile rich with acceptances to strong colleges, tailored to families’ needs and circumstances, is a tremendous asset to a school - and a powerful means of attracting and retaining talented students. A weak profile is a red flag that a high school isn't serving its students well. 


Recent College Placement Profiles

Click on Link to See Profile

Kennedy Consulting


Meet Mike Kennedy


Mike is the President of the Kennedy Consulting Group which is dedicated to clarifying the college admissions process and helping families and high schools navigate and better understand how to make it work for them.

Over the last 40 years Mike has served as a Director of College Counseling for 2 college preparatory schools and provided consulting services for families, high schools, and colleges throughout the country. 

He guides families step by step, helping them to find the best match and position them for successful admission. He speaks to parent groups and companies, helps high schools strengthen their college counseling programs, and has served on college admission advisory committees helping colleges conduct successful outreach to families. Mike has taught college counseling courses on the graduate level and has hosted national seminars for college counselors.  He also serves as an expert on college admissions for a variety of news media.

Mike presented to the National Association for College Admissions Counselors and Southern Association for College Admissions Counselors. He has also served as a school delegate to the College Board.  

As the admissions process continues to evolve Mike serves as a valued resource.

I feel so lucky to have Mike as a resource for our family. Not only does he know everything there is to know about college admissions, but he has a way of taking the stress out of the process - of getting kids (and parents!) not to worry about what their friends are doing but about what’s right for them.

Everyone I have referred to him has loved working with him just as much.
— Aimee Balfe - Glen Ellyn, Illinois
Our family has engaged the Kennedy Consulting Group on multiple occasions with great success and we recommend him highly. Mike has been very helpful in educating families on the”business” of higher education and the related drivers of admissions decisions. Also, providing guidance for maximizing the educational, experiential, and financial aspects of those decisions as they may affect a family.
— Jim Fernandez, Tampa, Florida