In-depth guidance from one of the nation’s leading authorities on college admissions

The choice of a college is the most important decision many young people will make, yet families often don’t have the information they need to ensure they’re making sound choices at this critical time. Admissions changes constantly, and it is often difficult for counselors to stay current.

That’s why we’re here. The Kennedy Consulting Group is dedicated to clarifying the college admissions process and helping families, high schools, and colleges make the most of it. Founder Michael Kennedy has spent more than 40 years in the field, much of it directing college counseling for top-tier preparatory schools. During this time, he helped more than 90% of his students gain admission to their college of choice with millions in scholarship offers.

Since 1994, Kennedy has provided private consulting to families, high schools, and colleges across the country on what each is looking for in the admissions process. He guides families step by step, helping them find the best match and positioning them for successful admission. He speaks to parent groups around the country, helps high schools strengthen their college counseling programs, and helps colleges conduct successful outreach to families. He has taught college counseling at the graduate level and has hosted national seminars for college counselors. He also serves as an expert on college admissions for local news media, having been interviewed on NPR/Chicago and appearing as a recurrent guest on WTVT Channel 13’s “Your Turn.”


Meet Mike Kennedy

Hello. My name is Mike Kennedy and I am the President of the Kennedy Consulting Group.

For the last 40 years I have been involved in college admissions advising for both high schools and individual families. During this time I have seen the process go from being a fairly simple one to becoming one that can unfortunately be confusing, anxiety driven, and somewhat overwhelming for families.

For 23 years I served as Director of College Counseling for two college preparatory schools. During that time my main goal was to help students find schooIs that were the “right fit.” Being admitted to college isn’t very difficult. There are over 2000 colleges and universities in the country. Students just need to find one. The key is to find those that will fit them best academically, socially, and financially.

For the last 18 years I have brought that same approach to individual families throughout the United States and the world. I have had the pleasure of working with families from over 20 states, Europe, and Asia. Interestingly, all students have the same concerns. “Will I be accepted to a college” and the answer is “Yes, of course!!!!

It has been said that knowledge is power and that is what I provide. Over the years I have served on admission advisory committees for colleges, been a past member of the National Association for College Admissions Counseling and Southern Association for College Admissions Counseling , been a school delegate to the College Board, provided consulting services for high schools to help schools with their college advising, conducted seminars for high school counselors, and served as resource for WTVT Channel 13 in Tampa, Florida on issues concerning college admissions and I have been interviewed by NPR Chicago. All with the purpose of gaining and providing insight into the college admissions process.

Over the years our clients have been accepted to schools located in 20-25 states, Europe, and Canada. And most importantly to schools that are the “right fit.”

This process should be one that your family enjoys and I look forward to helping you achieve that goal.

– Mike Kennedy / President

Our family came away with our very first meeting with Mike feeling empowered and ready to make good decisions. Although we thought we had already researched and selected some directions, he was able to really focus us on a more strategic path. Somehow he listens to bits and pieces of concerns three different people dump on the table, mixes in his experience and some actual facts and creates a holistic thought process! Mike brings a calm, objective, and amazingly knowledgeable voice to the table that is tuned in to both the dreams and the realities of a young person’s biggest-yet decision.
— Beth Engel, Greenville, S.C.