
High Schools

Strengthening your college counseling program

Strengthening your college counseling program - For satisfied families and better results

Today more than ever families are looking for tangible results from their high schools. Among the most tangible is the college placement profile. A profile rich with acceptances to strong colleges, tailored  to families needs and circumstances, is a tremendous asset to a school - and a powerful means of attracting and retaining talented students. A weak profile on the other hand, is a red flag that a high school isn't serving its students well.  When this happens, school reputations and enrollments can suffer quickly.

Affirming that you're doing well  

A large part of what we do for schools is to improve staff knowledge of the admissions process. Another important service we can provide is to affirm for strong schools what they are already doing well.  We have been invited by Parent Groups and schools themselves to serve as an outside expert through Parents’ Nights and college workshops.  When our presentations reinforce what counselors themselves are saying, parents confidence soars. Families can relax, knowing they are getting accurate information and sound advice, and effective counselors can enjoy the well-earned climate of trust and respect.


Helping you help your students

The Kennedy Consulting Group works with high schools around the country to strengthen their counseling programs. The format is flexible depending on the schools needs and can be as diverse as a two-hour Parents’ Night, a daylong retreat with follow-up phone support, weekly on-site consulting -  or anything in between.

Everything we do is designed to validate what you are doing well and to strengthen your college guidance process in a supportive and upbeat way. We offer information and tools that can be put into practice immediately.


Services for High Schools

  • Assessing and recommending improvements to the school's college prep program, including course offerings and entry standards, College advising process, and transcripts and school profile.

  • Enriching the knowledge, skills, and tools used by college counseling staff.

  • Training academic or personal counselors to take on the college counseling process.

  • Re-orienting college counselors who were formally university admissions reps(their former perspective can work against high schools.)

  • Conducting faculty presentations on writing recommendations, the impact of grading systems, and faculty's role in the admissions process.

  • Conducting Parents Nights’ to educate parents and staff about college admissions and answer their questions.

There have been dramatic changes since Mike became our college advising consultant. When he first arrived, 15 colleges had come to recruit on our campus. The next year, we had 70, including top national universities. Our advising process is more individualized and streamlined, families are more informed, and the variety of colleges pursued by our families has broadened exponentially.
— The Cambridge Christian School, Tampa, Florida